Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mightier Than the Sword Introduction - Thoughts and Recollections 3/10/11

The main point of this was the introduction that had to do with the premise to the book I just read. The author named Rodger Streitmatter explained the purpose of the work that was written. He explains the ideas of journalism and how it was important that "shaped" through American history. He meant "shaped" when he refers the beliefs of journalism that has influenced in American history. Also, he meant shaping that journalistic coverage can shape an issue and he came up with a public discource, other institutions that can cause real change to occur. He also admits that the context of the individual events that wouldn't be focus, but rather than focus to be upon journalism that had an effect throughout American history.

"Mightier than the Sword" like other books, has build on both of Rodger's professional background in daily journalism and Ph.D. in U.S history in an effort to increase our understanding of both the American media and American culture. This story provides a sense of the history, power, and responsibility inherent in the institution of journalism. The larger audience is the broad one of the men and women who want to learn more about the intertwining of the American news media and American history.

Some historians will criticize the focus on the news media, but it doesn't provide sufficient context. These critics were on solid grounds. It talks about the news media's role in Watergate that could be expanded into 200-page discussion of the various forces that helped expose the men responsible for that shocking episode of political corruption. This is the unique perspective of the "Mightier than the Sword".