Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chapter 15-"9/11...Failing the American Public"

I chose this chapter because this has been a major impact of terrorism through the U.S. President George W. Bush gave his explanation or a speech and said "I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon". I don't think Bush did a great job giving his explanation of a political strategy. This basically mentions about on how the news media has failed due to a rise to the challenge of giving the public information after the attacks that had an enormous consequences.

Throughout this chapter, "Building a Case for War" talks about on how 'journalism didn't report Osama bin Laden's grievances immediately after 9/11 is documenting the initiative that the news media's failure allowed the White House to undertake"(Streitmatter, 249). I believe that President Bush isn't doing a great job when the media hasn't succeed enough. This whole concept is basically about right after the 9/11 attack. Then, President Bush has decided to have our country going to war. But all of a sudden, Vice President Dick Cheney found out about Saddam Hussein who is the President from Iraq. Then in March 2003, President Bush has decided to send American troops to Iraq to go to war against them because of Hussein developed the weapons of mass destruction.

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